Be a Sponsor and Help Make a Difference.
Mighty Warriors Ministry is committed to sharing the good word of God with as many people as possible. Our online ministry and God-based vision enable us to reach out to audiences worldwide and share our passion for worship, praise, and the word of God. We have faith that with the support of our community, we can continue to grow and expand, reaching millions of people in the process. We are seeking financial support and sponsorship to help us build a new church where we can create a place of worship, share the principles that God has provided, and build a community that is united in our love for His Glory. We invite you to support our vision and help us achieve remarkable things in His name. With your sponsorship, we will fulfill Jesus's Great Commission as he commanded Christians to carry out and complete..
Blessing Prayer for your support
"Generous and loving God
, we offer you thanks and praise as we recognize that all we receive comes from you. Guide us as stewards of your abundance and caretakers of all you have entrusted to us, that with thankful hearts, our faithful stewardship will bear witness to your glory. In Jesus Christ's Almighty God and everlasting Father, we thank You for being our bountiful Provider and for the many gifts that we enjoy so freely from the fruit of the earth. May we be wise servants and faithful stewards with the many blessings that we have received at Your hand. May we take of what You have given to us with a grateful heart and cheerfully give back to You a small portion of the abundance of Your grace that we have received at Your hand. Keep our hearts ever thankful towards You, and give us tender compassion for those around us who are hurting or in need. May we be willing to share our portion with others, and may we show forth the love of God in our lives with a cheerful and gracious disposition, especially to those who are disadvantaged and needy. Accept our offering of prayer and praise and thanksgiving for all that You have given to us, and receive, we pray, these small tokens of our love, knowing that all things come from You, and we offer back to You the bountiful goodness that You have given to us. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
Stronger Together: Impact the World for God

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